Friday, January 2, 2009

Quilt In A Bag

This is a little tiny part of my QUILT IN A BAG quilt that I just finished. I am not showing the whole thing, cause I want it to be a little bit of a surprise for Kelly, my swap partner. Kelly sent me some fabric and trim, in a bag. And I sent her some too. We both have to use the fabric and trim that was sent to us, by our swap partner. We have to use it in the design and construction of a 24 x 24 inch quilt. We had to use some of each item sent to us, but could add some items of our own. I'll post a photo of the entire quilt, after Kelly receives it in the mail.


  1. Looks great. I need to get started on mine still. Once the kids are back in school I'll be able to focus on it. I'm jealous that yours is done already. Can't wait to see the whole thing.

  2. Love the work you did with the bead!

    I'm waiting on batik fabric to finish the back. Should be done by next weekend.

  3. Ooh, I'm very excited! I love the little ladybug too! This is just the inspiration I need to get to work on yours!
