Thursday, December 16, 2010

Noah's Arks

This blog is titled and generally devoted to quilting and woodcarving, both of which I do. I do these as a hobby, not a business. Since my hobby does result in items that others may wish to acquire, I offer some for sale. I have been making Noah's Arks with carved animals for a number of years. I participate in several art festivals, wood carving shows, and Christmas shows/sales each year. Through the years my Noah's Arks have been placed in several gift shops and offered. These efforts in total have generally resulted in the sale of 10 to 15 Arks per year. Four days ago the Columbus Dispatch newspaper ran an article that featured me and my Noah's Arks. I did not anticipate what would happen when this article was published. In four days I have sold the remaining two Arks from this years efforts, and received fifteen commissions for Noah's Arks for 2011. The power of the pen is at play.

Here's a link to the article:

Crafting toy arks floats retiree's boat

1 comment:

  1. i see a sweatshop in your future...i've never known anyone to see one of your arks and not have to have one!
