Friday, May 23, 2014

Long Time No See!

It's been too long since I've posted here.  Especially too long between quilting projects.  I have a project with the quilting group that I help with.  One of our members is in the middle of a move from Ohio to Florida.  We decided to make her a quilt with Ohio stars in her favorite color - purple.  I was tapped to machine quilt the project.

On loading the top, batting, and back I discovered a problem that now has to be overcome.  The back is the same size as the top....

I like the back to be larger than the top.  It sure makes loading and lining up the layers easier.
Another problem I have encountered.  The learning curve to load the layers and then actually adjust the machine to quilt is only surpassed by the lengthy forgetting and remembering's been a while since I've done this.....
I'll update with posts......


  1. Oh my goodness....I stopped coming here because I thought you had just about stopped posting to your blog! Just add some fabric to the back and it'll be good to go. Like the Purple.

  2. Thanks for checking Holee. After much starts and stops it did get quilted. Not my best but not too bad either.
