Monday, October 6, 2008

New Blog Give Away

Several days ago I was talked into developing this Blog. I reluctantly agreed and set about the task. My daughter said, "dad, it's easy. Just follow the simple directions." Well, my daughter seems to have forgotten that I am near computer illiterate, and seldom follow directions. But I'm tryin. Between daughter and a review of many of the super looking Blogs on Doll Quilt Swaps, I have gotten this far. It has also been suggested that I have a GIVE AWAY as a means of introducing myself and the blog.

Here is a photo of the GIVE AWAY. It is a log cabin quilt square that is matted, under glass, and framed with 170 year old salvaged wood. The framed 4 inch square measures 9 inches by 9 inches.

To be included in the pool for the drawing, just look my new Blog over, leave me a comment, and/or a tip on how to design and maintain this Blog.

Each person leaving a comment will be entered. Want to be entered twice! Just give me a "shout-out" on your Blog.

I'll keep this GIVE AWAY open for comments/tips for one week, until Monday, October 13. At that time the name of each person leaving a comment will be placed into the hat. One name will be pulled, and the winner posted. Mailing/shipping will be immediate. Thanks.


Unknown said...

You have done a great job on your blog! I too am new to blogging so cannot offer much help there. I will add a link on my blog to yours.

Your carvings and quilts are beautiful! I would love to display one in my home.


Unknown said...

Your blog for starters looks great for a "newbie" blog. Just like you need to with your woodcravings just practice practice practice. But practicing with blogging is just keep on posting. The longer you post and comment on other blogs the more will start to read yours and the more connections and inspiration you will gain *smile* It gets addicting though so consider yourself warned!

Anonymous said...

You have a good start with your new blog ! I think that photos are an important part of your postings.
Incredible frame you have offered as a give away ! Love it :0)
Lucinda -

Sue Cahill said...

I took a look around your blog and I have to say your daughter is a wise young woman. You r blog is a different take on quilting and very refreshing. Your work is beautiful, I'm really glad I found you.
Your giveaway prize would be wonderful to win, thanks for the chance.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

John said...

It's so great seeing another guy around these parts! Welcome to the "community" -- can't wait to see what you come up with for the swap.

Not Lucy said...

Beautiful log cabin block in the beautiful frame! It would look great in my house! :-)

My hint would be to intersperse the pictures in the words. It takes some practice to get that done and I have found that adding one picture at a time makes it a bit easier as they always add at the top and you have move them around.

Otherwise, it's great! Looking forward to seeing more of your quilts and woodwork!

Sarah said...

i'm impressed with your blog. i don't think my mom would be able to do it. and what a fun project for you and your daughter.

my tip is to put a flickr widget in your sidebar. you can make one here:

just plug in the information it asks for, then copy the "code" or whatever it's called into your sidebar by editing your layout.

Trisha said...

Wow! Your woodworking is amazing! Glad to meet another new blogger. I have always thought that woodworking and quilts go together beautifully. Very cool that you do both!

Shelley said...

Tom, I hopped on over here from Tracy's blog. I've been a regular reader there for a couple of months and will add yours to my growing repatoire!

I have never blogged myself, and the only comment on yours would be to change that black/white background...I find it hard on the eyes. It does show off your photos well though.

I mentioned to Tracy how blessed she is to have a dad that is interested in the same hobby...the sharing and inspiration you give each other must be wonderful.

Your cabinetry is great and I've seen the santa type carvings at craft fairs here in northern Maine by a woman.

The give away prize is to covet my 100+ yr old farmhouse it would be right at home!

Ritapizza said...

Your work is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your projects. I agree that photos really help and bring a blog to life. You can even make a banner at the top of your blog with a picture of your work along with the title of your blog. Thanks!

Heidi said...

You are very talented! I think it is such a gift to spend time making something with your daughter. I think the most treasured gifts are those of time and hand made items!
I love the frame around the quilt- perfect way to showcase this art form!
I am a new blogger and new quilter- I would love to win the square for inspiration!
Looking forward to reading more of your blog!

Unknown said...

You have the same background as my blog!! The black background! Glad to see that i'm not the only one who liked it. Congrats on joining blog land and hope you enjoy it. Your framed quilt looks fantastic and i hope i win!!!

Beth said...

I think your blog looks great for a biginner, it will get easier over time as you keep posting. You can always change your layout- this site has some cool backgrounds.

I love your carved apple and worm too!

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Congrats on your new blog! It's a great start and an ideal venue for showcasing your work. I would ditto the comment about white type on a black background being more difficult to read. It usually works better to have a dark font on a light background.

It looks like your wood carving is a perfect match with your quilting! I especially liked reading about the doll dress quilt you made with your daughter. :-)

Roxanne =b said...

I am new to blogging too!! and I have let it go for several months... I need to add alot to it... but I do enjoy it, when I get around to it... =b

yours looks great!! I love the framed quilt blocks... a great way to keep em dust free... I would love to be entered in your give away... thanks for the heads up and thanks for sharing your blog with us... =b

Bonnie said...

I love your work. I don't have any hints since I just started my blog Friday. Yours looks very good though. I added you to my list.

Tina said...

Wow, and what a give away! I just love the rustic wood framed around a quilt block!

Welcome to the blog world! I like to see lots of pictures on blogs. I hope you will enjoy blogging. I'm doing DSQ5 too.

Bronwyn said...

Your logcabin quilt looks really lovely! Good on you for starting your blog despite any trepidation- my hint for you is to post your photos as large as possible - we want to be able to see your great designs and work really easily. If my name does get drawn, maybe you could keep the frame for easier posting to Oz! (even though I love recycled wood) Happy Quilting!

Barb said...

Hi Tom woo hoo It's Loxy here :0)I just read your post on the forum! Congrats on your new space here! Love your quilts I have always loved your whittled gnomes and now I find out you sew quilts too!! Yeah! Keep those fingers and mind busy that's what I say!! Oh I love that little old black sewing machine!! When I was little my dad worked for singer and made cute little dresses for me! I have one of those old time cabinet treadle singer machines from my dad. But my hubby said he would just buy my clothes baa haa guess you can tell I wasn't much of a seamstress!! Well keep up the good work and will chat later
Barb (Loxy)

lej619 said...

HI I really like your blog. your doing a good job. i know i will never beable to do one
I have way to many fires going as it is and adding an other one would put me over the
your woodwork and quilting are wonderful.
keep up the good work and will be looking for your little quilt on DQS5. I am also in on that swap.

Lissa Jane said...

I guess my no. 1 tip is to have fun and if it gets like a chore, stop for a wee while.. I couldn't add pics for a wee while when I started my blog and dont be embaressed to ask questions.. bloggers are a friendly bunch and are only to happy to help out!


Unknown said...

omg, that is just an awesome giveaway prize! I would love to be considered (I am in the uk though, so if i win shipping may be I understand completely if you want to exclude me!)

Your blog looks great, I love to see quilting from a man's perspective, I am off to read some more!

Ralitza said...

Great job!
Both the quilt (and the frame!!!) and the blog! You caught the give away trend ;)

Although it is noticeably different written in white on black, I would consider changing it to black letters on white/similar/ background.
It is original now, but it is not quite good to the eyes. /By the way not everyone has as gentle eyes as I do, so do not worry :)/

Place the DQS5 banner on your right column as soon as it is published!

susan said...

i love that you framed it. it is so pretty. i think you are doing a wonderful job on your blog, and cant believe you just started. you are a natural!!!i think one of the great ways to get readers is to be a reader yourself. and leave comments!!! then they will come check you out. good luck

Anonymous said...

I for one am impressed with your blog. I think your daughter is a smart woman to steer your creative interests into blogging and quilting! Denise

Sherry said...

I am so glad to have found your blog by simply clicking "Next Blog." Beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

I am nearing my 1 year anniversary in blog land...I know you will love it as much as I have..A good friend talked me into starting mine and I haven't looked back! Please sign me up for your give away! If I win, it will be a gift for my hubby.. :-)

Holee said...

I may be too late to sign up for this but I wanted to say I love the use of the old wood. You have given me something to think about.

Recently we discovered an old painted damaged door in our garage. Under the many coats of paint is Tiger wood. How wonderful would frames be made out of that!
I love your idea!

I am also new to blogging and can't always find what I am looking for. I looked at your blog several times before finding the framed quilt block..but we'll both learn!