You'll have to took close, but then so will the Flower girls. There's a fire ring, some burnt wood, and two toasted marshmallows on sticks. This was a suggestion from a "comment", and a good one too. No note, just what you see. Some critter will probably eat the toasted marshmallows before the girls see them. Its been kinda hectic for the girls lately. The folks are remodeling the house. A major remodel. So the girls have been in and out, mostly staying with grand parents. Plus, Zinnia went back to school, but Dahlia is not old enough. And boy, is Dahlia mad. The first day, all the kids and their moms walked up the road to catch the school bus. A while later Dahlia came stompin back down the road. Her lower lip[ was out so far that birds coulda roosted on it.
We'll see if the girls find the fire ring, and see what they have to say.
I hope Dahlia finds it while her sis is at school...it might make up for her loneliness. Maybe some suggestions in the direction of the marshmallow's might help.
Great idea for the giveaway and nice marshmellow ....
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