Might have to be saying "Good Bye" to my Gnome friends here. Will be demonstrating carving and selling some ornaments at a local shop this weekend. These little fellas will get a make over into Christmas Tree Ornaments. I hope they don't mind. If I keep them, they'll just continue to be shelf sitters. But if they become Christmas tree ornaments, just think of the joy they'll have this Christmas and
every year there after.
I think they would look great on a Christmas tree, and how happy they would be to see the faces on the children in the mornings.
I am thinking you need to give two of them to the flower girls from the gnomes!
I love those little men and they have looked great on my tree for the last two christmaszz.......love you tommy
Hey Tom before you put rings on the top of the hat...try stapling a twist tie to the bottom of the feet to have the gnomes standing on the tree branches. It looks pretty good and more realistic! I've been doing that to some of my gnomes. Just put two staples in with a gap so the gnome stands good on the branches.
Just a FYI. Marcia.
The flower girls already have some of the Gnomes, but can always use more.
Marcia, a great idea! Will do!
Lani, Has it been two Christmas's? already?
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