This first note is the note that Gnomey left for the Flower girls (Zinnia and Dahlia), telling them that he was going to Florida, and would be gone for Christmas. Just about when I thought that the Gnome adventure was over, it has taken a twist. Upon reading this note, Dahlia (the younger sister) broke into tears. Actually her mom described it as sobbing. Dahlia did not want Gnomey to leave. Now to be honest, I have felt that the girls had figured things out, and didn't believe anymore. I do think that Zinnia doesn't, but still wants to. Anyway, she spent some time consoling her little sister, and told her that Gnomey would be back.

This is the note that the girls left for Gnomey. Zinnia wrote the note as Dahlia told her what to say.

This is the note that Gnomey wrote and left for the girls.
Looks like the adventure is still on.........in the spring!
Now, Tom...that really tugs at the old heart strings. Oh the innocense of youth. Precious.
I know what you mean Kaaren. When I heard the momma tell me, my eyes got a little blurry.....musta been an alergy or something.
That is so awesome! Springtime is going to be so fun for the girls when gnomey gets back!
On a happier note, I received the beautiful picture frame Tom! Thank you so much, I absolutely love it! The wood is fantastic and it will be well loved! Thank you again :-)
Well its a well known fact that our Scottish gnomes, Mac. Gnomes hybernate all winter along with the haggis bird.
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