I guess when you find yourself in the carving doldrums, anything carved counts as progress. This my current Matt Quigley, of "Quigley Down Under" head. Since the finished carving will be a bust, I still have to rough out the chest, and carve the chest; as well as a base. And of course add the detail to the head and hat. I was planning on doing Quigley a wee bit smaller, but my eyes aren't as good any more.
The carving is looking good but Quigley's first name was not Roy, it was Matt. Roy was Crazy Cora's husband's name and she called Quigley that throughout the movie.
That's one good-lookin' hat you got there, pardner! Face is looking good, too. I think you're on the road to recovery.
Thanks for the correction! I had forgotten crazy Cora's name too.
yup....looks like tom selleck!
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