Friday, August 12, 2011

Need to Make A Quilt!

Dang, both Featherweights are covered with dust...My balanced life is out of balance...Too much wood carving....This should change....


Holee said...

Hmmmm, I tried to lead you back to the machine a while back...Once we promised to swap with each other. I finally got one sent to you...Hmmmm, now if that doesn't get your machine

I miss your quilt posts..I do.

Tom H said...

You are right Holee! I am out of wack...but I'm really going try..

Holee said...

six days have passed...wondering if that machine is buzzing yet??

Tom H said...

Machine not humming or buzzing....yet. The problems are several. Been teaching the flower girls to whittle, and now the 2 little boys down the road are involved. Seems I got me a regular class going. That and several carving events to get ready for.