Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Back To Kids Carving

"Tom, can I carve a Pegasus"? 

We got started this afternoon after school.  Attention spans of kids are not very long.  So we're taking it slow.  We started by roughing in the blank.
We'll round the piece off some more and add detail during the next 15 minute session.  This is what was done in our first 15 minute session.  The wings will be done separate and attached.
We are working out doors with a big box fan to move the dust away from us.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Gnome Door Tutorial

From time to time I'll post a tutorial on how I make some items.  This is one of those times.  In order to make a Gnome Door you'll need the following materials and tools:  1/4"x2 7/8"x4 1/4" birch plywood (2),  3/4 x 2 7/8" x 4 1/4" pine (1),  Popsicle sticks (2),  wood axle peg,  stain/wax,  scroll saw, scratch awl/nail,  knife,  drill, glue, compass, and some clamps.

Here's what we're making.
Step 1.  Scribe lines on one of the pieces of 1/4" plywood, 1/4" apart, with a knife, from top to bottom.
2.  Layout and cut arched door frame on the piece of 3/4" pine.  Leave 1/4" sides and top to the door frame.
3.  Place the scribed piece of plywood behind the cut out arched door frame.  Trace the inside of the arched door frame on the scribed piece of plywood and cut this "door" out.
4.  Trace the outside of the arched door frame onto the remaining piece of plywood, and cut.  This is the back.
5.  Assemble the back piece of plywood and the arched door frame, and glue up as one piece.
6.  Mark, cut, and fit door cross members from Popsicle sticks, and glue them onto the door.
7.  Locate where to drill hole for the door knob, and drill to fit wood axle peg.
8.  Glue the door inside the door frame.
9.  Use a nail or an awl to poke small indents where nails might be placed in the door cross members.  Glue axle peg into hole.
10.  Apply wood gel stain, strain, or one off the stain wax combos to the piece, and wipe off, leaving stain in the scribed lines and "nail holes".  Pain the door knob white.
There are several options.  You can carve hinges from the Popsicle sticks, paint and glue on the door.  You can use twigs as a door frame.  You can change the Gnome door shape too.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gnome Doors

I whittle at a diner where I eat breakfast every morning.  When I'm not whittling Santa's I do three inch Gnomes.  It got out of hand!  I now have 24 gnomes standing around.  I decided that they needed some little Gnome doors.  These will be part of my stuff at some shows coming up.