I have been out of town, out of touch, and at times plain out of it; for about a week. I have been participating in the
Evart Michigan Woodcarvers Roundup. And rather than post about 100 photos (I only took a few), I'll post this photo of a "cupcake". Looks yummy doesn't it! Well I thought so too, as I walked by it sitting on a table. But it's carved from Basswood. Now this carving just plain interested me. I thought I could learn something from whoever carved this. The carver is a very talented and innovative woodcarving instructor named Lou Anne
Stearns, from Michigan. So, I sat and carved with her for two days. I didn't carve a cupcake, but I am nearly finished with a walking staff. The staff has a Gnome at the top, and a Gnome Home at the bottom, with vines, leafs, and dogwood flowers in between. I'll post a photo when it is completed. And, I will be carving some cupcakes too.
When I returned and got out of my van, one of the flower girls (Zinnia)
came running up and said that while I was gone, they got a message from
Gnomey. Well, I asked what it said, and she relied, "he wants some flowers in his front yard". So! maybe we'll get some action in a few days.
I know, I have to be patient. But I am not patient. I want some action and I want it now....