Sunday, April 26, 2009

Alter Ego gets An Idea!

I wonder what would happen if Gnomey puts all of the Flower girls notes into a bag and leaves it for the girls to find. He could add a message that he had heard Zinnia talking about her Gnomey book that she made. That would be no stretch. That's all shes been talking about yesterday and today. Gnomey could say that he thought Zinnia would like to have her notes back to put into her book, to make it complete.

What do you think?


Diana said...

I like it!!

Sherry said...

Perfect solution!

Neabear said...

That would work!

Holee said...

You might want to make your own copies before you hand them back. The mama might want to make her own scrapbook to give them when they graduate or marry or have their own little ones.

Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect!