You may recall that I was a little concerned about how Zinnia would react to some of the comments (from her 1st grade classmates) about her believing that Gnomes lived under her deck. I took some of the advice that was given by you readers, and did not say anything nor did I do anything. Well, except wrap up that Tiny Little Golden Book, and have
Gnomey give it to her for her birthday. No message, just the book. Well, that must have removed any of the doubts. Zinnia's mom said that when Zinnia opened the present she said, "
Gnomey must be real, because just look at this book. It's gnome size, and I've never seen any other books this small. And it's old too."
Zinnia prepared a package for
Gnomey and left it taped to
Gnomey's mailbox. The photograph includes the wrappings and the contents. The items at the bottom of the photo were the wrapping paper for each of the items plus the yellow piece of paper that was made into an envelope. I would guess that there was at least one half roll of Scotch tape used in all.
The gifts include: the two notes, a purple crayon, one dragon fly and a worm made out of some rubbery material, a
Styrofoam ball, and two small "jewel stars". I would guess that Zinnia means for
Gnomey to make a craft.
The adventure continues.......
Maybe that's why they call them golden books, they saved a golden moment in imagination land!
I understand the tape thing. I get lots of those kind of gifties from my grands. :)
That is such a nice memory that you are creating for her. The best thing we can do as adults is leave the young with wonderful memories. Good for you.
Perhaps Zinnia's mother needs to tell the girls not to share Gnomey with their. Not everyone has the "gift to acknowledge gnomes" so the girls are very special and may make the other kids extremely jealous. Or that gnomes are so shy that they reveal their presence only to special humans...
You know. Someday the gnomes are going to have to move away...
Above was supposed to read...not to share Gnomey with their friends...
In reality, the only time I intend to pick up my own bike is if there's not someone else around. A while back, husband zoomed out of sight as I dropped mine (because I 'blipped' the front brake at a stop sign downhill...right turn). I stepped off as it went down and heard a "Can I help you?" Turned around and a guy at the car wash offered to pick it up. "Okay." 750 something pounds...I'm going to have to be extremely desperate to attempt that on my own.
Ouch...hope your friend finds some relief with his back.
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