The idea here was to create a detail carving knife that would be more comfortable to use, when your hands might be tired or sore. I think carving with the fatter handled knife after using smaller ones will achieve the goal.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Carving Knife
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Getting Old!
Every now and then when I look into the mirror, I see an old guy lookin back at me. Some folks say the process of getting old is gradual. I'm not so sure of that. What about the time when a guy looses 12 - 15 pounds over night? Any ol guy readin this will know what I am talking about. You go bed and everything is normal. You look the same (pretty much) as you usually do. You wake up the next day and get dressed, but your pants are too loose. You think,"wow! that's neat. You go down to eat breakfast, and mention it to your wife. Your wife takes one look and starts to giggle, and states, "your butts gone". You say, "what", and go look into a mirror. And sure enough, your pants are loose and flat in the back where your butt used to be.
That is one of the first signs of old age. And it happens over night.
That is one of the first signs of old age. And it happens over night.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A New Challenge That I Have Accepted
So, this is what I am proposing. I will carve 100 Santa's. I will donate them to someone who will put the Santa's to use helping others. What I need from the readers of this Blog who wish to participate, is a description of how you would put the Santa's to use helping others. I will post those ideas, and you all can then help me select the "winner".
Friday, December 26, 2008
An Old Friend
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tole Painted Santa
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Ornament Swap
I am a member of Woodcarving Illustrated magazines message board. Several members have participated in the annual Christmas Tree Ornament swap. This Christmas wreath is decked out with the hand carved ornaments that have been sent to me. This swap is different from the doll quilt swaps. If there are 20 members participating in the swap, you have to carve 20 ornaments and send them out. Of course, the really neat thing is that you 20 back. I think you'll agree that there are some very fine carved ornaments here.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
This simple carving of "The Hole" , plus a bottle of excellent Greek Brandy is my Christmas present for the brothers. Now , when confronted with an unpleasant customer they can just point, instead of muttering "To the Hole".
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Traditions?
Well, the holiday season is upon us. To a lot of us this means Christmas. And Christmas means a lot of different thing to us also. Among what Christmas means is family and traditions. Traditions being those things that memories are made of. As I look around me, I see what might be the birth of new traditions. I hope what I see don't all become traditions. My memories and traditions might be replaced with the "new".
* Mine!
*Family goes outside and spends time together picking out a Christmas tree then cuts it down.
To many times now, mom goes to the basement and brings up the predecorated artificial tree.
*Everybody gathers around the radio, record player, or Grams piano and listens to Christmas songs.
Now kids are in their rooms or elsewhere, with things plugged into their ears, listening to who knows what.
*Family loads up the car with presents and heads to Grandpas and Grandmas house.
Too many now just give em a call on the cell, or Instant Message.
*Not too long ago kids still wanted lots of things for Christmas, but only really asked for 1 or 2.
Kids today ask for everything they saw on TV and probably expect it too.
*Church on Christmas Eve.
Each family member watching a different DVD.
*Mom, dad, the whole family making and decorating cookies.
Buy an assortment at the bakery.
I like my memories better!
* Mine!
*Family goes outside and spends time together picking out a Christmas tree then cuts it down.
To many times now, mom goes to the basement and brings up the predecorated artificial tree.
*Everybody gathers around the radio, record player, or Grams piano and listens to Christmas songs.
Now kids are in their rooms or elsewhere, with things plugged into their ears, listening to who knows what.
*Family loads up the car with presents and heads to Grandpas and Grandmas house.
Too many now just give em a call on the cell, or Instant Message.
*Not too long ago kids still wanted lots of things for Christmas, but only really asked for 1 or 2.
Kids today ask for everything they saw on TV and probably expect it too.
*Church on Christmas Eve.
Each family member watching a different DVD.
*Mom, dad, the whole family making and decorating cookies.
Buy an assortment at the bakery.
I like my memories better!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Fridays Blog topics - all dried up!
I have run out of ideas for todays posting. Nothing happened today that would be of any interest to anyone, unless they had a sewer plant being built across the road from their house. I just spent the day in meetings on that issue. My daughter said take the day off. To that I said "won't the Blog police come after me for not posting?" Sorry, I'll have to stir the pot tomorrow, to see what comes to the surface.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I should have asked, someone should have told me! But, alas! nobody said a word. Everybody let me discover that RICK-RACK shrinks when it is sewn. And Kelly, if you're readin this; I am also holdin you responsible too. After all it was you who sent me the fabric and the rick-rack to be made into a doll quilt. However, in defense of Kelly, she did send some ribbon too and left the choice up to me. But I was never warned about rick-rack.
First, I tried to sew it on with the machine. I couldn't even keep the stitches within the edges of the rick-rack. It became evident that maybe one must hand sew the rick-rack on. Okay, I can do this. I pinned the rick-rack around an inner border and left about one inch overlap at the end, then cut it. Found some yellow thread that matched the rick-rack and started hand stitchin it on. No problem. It takes a while, but still no problem. No problem until I get to the end and find out that while you hand stitch rick-rack it shrinks. It has ended up one 1/2 inch short.
I tried pullin my hair out, but well, it's already bout all out. What'll I do?
First, I tried to sew it on with the machine. I couldn't even keep the stitches within the edges of the rick-rack. It became evident that maybe one must hand sew the rick-rack on. Okay, I can do this. I pinned the rick-rack around an inner border and left about one inch overlap at the end, then cut it. Found some yellow thread that matched the rick-rack and started hand stitchin it on. No problem. It takes a while, but still no problem. No problem until I get to the end and find out that while you hand stitch rick-rack it shrinks. It has ended up one 1/2 inch short.
I tried pullin my hair out, but well, it's already bout all out. What'll I do?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Small Stuff!
Just how far does a genetic predisposition go between parents and their children? We all know that a predisposition for certain medical conditions can be passed on to children. We can all see evidence of physical characteristics too. Most kids looks just like one or both of their parents. But does a predisposition also include things like likes And dislikes, interests, etc, etc. I say YES!
When I began to carve, I soon found out that I preferred to carve "small".

When my daughter started making quilts, she soon found out that she preferred making quilts that were composed of very small squares. You can judge the size of the log cabin squares in this large lap quilt by comparing them to the ruler.
When I began to carve, I soon found out that I preferred to carve "small".
When my daughter started making quilts, she soon found out that she preferred making quilts that were composed of very small squares. You can judge the size of the log cabin squares in this large lap quilt by comparing them to the ruler.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
At The Senior Center
Monday, December 15, 2008
Gift Cards!
Lets hear it for gift cards! Hip Hip Hooray! Not enough time to be a serious shopper. Not enough good gift ideas to be a serious shopper. Too many problems with shopping, trying to determine what gift will be liked. Lets hear it for gift cards! Hooray!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Banned From The Mall
We have a rather large and modern Fashion Mall in our area. I only go to this mall twice a year. Once when daughter and grand daughter visit in the summer and once at Christmas time. Well the other day was the Christmas trip. Had some last minute presents to get. My wife did, I haven't started yet. After this last trip I don't think they'll let me in the Mall again. Both the Mall management and my wife are probably drawing up papers right now. I just don't understand it. How can I be insensitive, I was just trying to be helpful. Here's the rest of the story:
My wife went into Sephora (expensive makeup store) and I choose to sit in the mall area and wait for her. I didn't want her to feel rushed, with me lookin over her shoulder. I selected a bench kinda in front of the Victorias Secret store. There were a lot of girls and women going in and out. I mean a lot of younger girls in line to get in. I noticed that more than half of these young girls were a tad bit on the big size. All I wanted to do was keep them from being so disappointed, when I told them that there wasn't a long line at the Lane Bryant shop. Oh! and then there was issue of me telling the clerk in the Hollisters shop that she could hear us and see us if she turned the music down, and turn some lights on. I don't really want to go back anyway. Just walking by the kids play area was enough for me to get some kid cooties and a sore throat and ear ache.
My wife went into Sephora (expensive makeup store) and I choose to sit in the mall area and wait for her. I didn't want her to feel rushed, with me lookin over her shoulder. I selected a bench kinda in front of the Victorias Secret store. There were a lot of girls and women going in and out. I mean a lot of younger girls in line to get in. I noticed that more than half of these young girls were a tad bit on the big size. All I wanted to do was keep them from being so disappointed, when I told them that there wasn't a long line at the Lane Bryant shop. Oh! and then there was issue of me telling the clerk in the Hollisters shop that she could hear us and see us if she turned the music down, and turn some lights on. I don't really want to go back anyway. Just walking by the kids play area was enough for me to get some kid cooties and a sore throat and ear ache.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Bag The Presents
Every year during the Christmas season, folks know what presents are from me, before they are handed out. There is usually some snickering, and a little outright laughing, because of the way that I have wrapped them. It seems that I always do a messy job of it, with way too much tape. The corners are all messed up with extra folds and wrinkles. I never realized that it was just like making a bed with hospital corners, until right now. I usually have to splice a piece of extra wrapping paper, to cover part of the gift, because I cut the paper too small. BUT NOT THIS YEAR! Last year after Christmas, Walmart was closing out their fabric in a smaller local store. All fabric was $1.00 a yard, but Christmas fabric was $ .50 a yard. I bought yards of the stuff, and have cut and sewn it into large and smaller draw string bags. I have three different sizes of bags to use. Now I just have to be sure that the present in the bag is worth more than the bag itself. I am also considering adding a tag to the bag that reminds some of the folks that the bag can be recycled. It could even be recycled next Christmas with a present for me. I doubt that I could get away with that. But there better not be any more snickering and laughing at the way I wrap presents.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bah Humbug.......Maybe!...
I am lucky if I get todays posting done. Do the words frantic, busy, behind, hopelessy behind, over committed, frenzied, etc.; ring any bells. How many days until Christmas???How much work do I have to get done before I can even think about Christmas? It's no wonder I'm beginning to get the Bah Humbug thoughts.
I know what a nervous breakdown is, I know what a physical breakdown is; but is there anything kinda inbetween the two?
I know what a nervous breakdown is, I know what a physical breakdown is; but is there anything kinda inbetween the two?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Last Santa Ornament Order Done
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
ALTO'S Quilt Cut 2
So, I am asking if any reader has used this system for cutting quilt fabrics. If so, please leave me a comment and any tips on its use.
To show my appreciation, all comments received by Friday December 12th will be put into a hat and one pulled out; with the winner having won a hand carved Santa Tree Ornament.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Voyager 17, Update

By the way! That's a great looking quilt. You can tell my daughter likes the scrappy look, as well as the log cabin block. Well done kiddo!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
First Snow 2008
While in California, winter arrived at home. First, it was just cold, then last night the first bit of snow. The first two things that I noticed was that the snow covered up the leaves that I did not get raked up, and the conditions are getting right for me to begin to get into the spirit of the Holidays. But there is still lots of stuff to do. A new order of carved Santa's, a doll quilt to complete for a swap, three book shelves to make and finish, a Christmas woodcarving exchange carving to complete, Christmas shopping, change oil in car, maybe have windshield replaced (stone on trip), a cottonwood bark Santa to finish for a customer, plus all the stuff that I have put off for over a year, that I promised myself I'd do this year. Not a chance! Maybe I'll give myself an industrial sized dumpster for Christmas; and start throwing stuff out. Nobody accumulates more stuff than I do.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Observations From Driving Across the USA
First of all, I like to drive. I hate to fly. I am not afraid to fly, I just don't like it. The following is a final recap of driving across the country. Just some of my observations. There is no order, no hidden meanings, just what ever pops into this tired ol head; and manages to come out the two fingers that I type with.
1. Nobody except me drives the speed limit.
2. There are fewer and fewer professional truck drivers these days.
3. Even truck drivers seem to drive with a cell phone in their hand all the time.
4. There are more and more female truck drivers every day.
5. The price of gasoline is the cheapest in Missouri.
6. Nine out of 10 customers that are seen in a McDonalds are grossly over weight.
7. Fat teenagers out number thin teenagers ten to one.
8. You can gain 8 pounds in one week by eating breakfast and lunch at McDonalds.
9. No teenagers in the USA ware coats anymore.
10. Flashing roadway sign in NM "DWI BLITZ - COPS EVERYWHERE"
11. In NM, at freeway cross-overs there are signs that say "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY"
But, there are also signs at those cross-overs that say "WRONG WAY", "DO NOT ENTER"
Does this mean that the cops in NM get confused and go the wrong way on the freeway?
12. If there are only two trucks on the road, they will be trying to pass one another in front of you, while going up a hill.
13. The signs that warn of a "SAFETY CORRIDOR" where fines are doubled, has nothing to do with SAFETY. It's just a way to get more money in fines.
14. When signs that warn of ROADWORK AHEAD, HIT A WORKER - GO TO JAIL, does a "worker" have to be working to qualify? I doubt it, it seems that there are always 4 or 5 "workers" standing around while one might be working. What if a worker wanders in front of you and gets hit? Do survivors go to jail?
15. I have discovered what happens to all those sand bags that highway workers weight the signs down with, once they are done with them. They recycle them as motel pillows.
16. Count on a stone being kicked up and breaking a windshield (at least 50% of the time).
17. Since when do motels allow dogs in the rooms? I'll start asking for a non pet room as well as a non smoking room from now on. I wonder if you can do that?
1. Nobody except me drives the speed limit.
2. There are fewer and fewer professional truck drivers these days.
3. Even truck drivers seem to drive with a cell phone in their hand all the time.
4. There are more and more female truck drivers every day.
5. The price of gasoline is the cheapest in Missouri.
6. Nine out of 10 customers that are seen in a McDonalds are grossly over weight.
7. Fat teenagers out number thin teenagers ten to one.
8. You can gain 8 pounds in one week by eating breakfast and lunch at McDonalds.
9. No teenagers in the USA ware coats anymore.
10. Flashing roadway sign in NM "DWI BLITZ - COPS EVERYWHERE"
11. In NM, at freeway cross-overs there are signs that say "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY"
But, there are also signs at those cross-overs that say "WRONG WAY", "DO NOT ENTER"
Does this mean that the cops in NM get confused and go the wrong way on the freeway?
12. If there are only two trucks on the road, they will be trying to pass one another in front of you, while going up a hill.
13. The signs that warn of a "SAFETY CORRIDOR" where fines are doubled, has nothing to do with SAFETY. It's just a way to get more money in fines.
14. When signs that warn of ROADWORK AHEAD, HIT A WORKER - GO TO JAIL, does a "worker" have to be working to qualify? I doubt it, it seems that there are always 4 or 5 "workers" standing around while one might be working. What if a worker wanders in front of you and gets hit? Do survivors go to jail?
15. I have discovered what happens to all those sand bags that highway workers weight the signs down with, once they are done with them. They recycle them as motel pillows.
16. Count on a stone being kicked up and breaking a windshield (at least 50% of the time).
17. Since when do motels allow dogs in the rooms? I'll start asking for a non pet room as well as a non smoking room from now on. I wonder if you can do that?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Sewing Machine Switch-over
All in all, daughter has a first rate set of tools, to match her first rate quilting.
There's no place like home! An uneventfull trip. That's just what I wanted. Perfect weather all the way from Southern California to Ohio. No snow, no rain, no ice, no speeding tickets. Although I could have caused all kinds of trouble for us, if my wife had not insisted that I just shut up and go with the flow. As soon as one passes into Indiania you are greeted be signs that announce the speed limit as 70 mph, and a plea to REPORT IMPAIRED DRIVERS, DIAL *54. Since I was driving the speed limit, and everyone else on the road was passing me I wanted to dial *54 and report each of those drivers as driving impaired - reading impaired, at least.
More, later!
More, later!
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