Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Flea Market Find!

In town at the county fair grounds there is a weekly flea market on Sundays. This flea market is well attended in the morning, with lots of vendors as well as customers. There is probably around 75 vendors, so you can imagine the different types of stuff. This stuff ranges from junk to treasures. Guns and ammo are big this year. Knives and tools are always big. But last week I stumbled on a vendor who had several big tubs of FAT QUARTER bundles. I picked up these for $3 per bundle. Each bundle has 8 color coordinated fat quarters of 100% cotton fabric. I hoped to return next Sunday, but may have a problem, since I have a booth at the local Arts Festival on Saturday and Sunday. I will try to get back to the flea market before opening up the arts festival booth. I need more fabric like I need a hole in the head. But I can't resist the good deal. If there is any left on Sunday, and I can get there and buy some, maybe I'll send some to all my friends.

1 comment:

Bunny said...

Looks like you got a good find. Always fun getting a bargain.