Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tole Painted Santa

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas. This hand painted fellow is perfect. Several years ago my wife decided to take a tole painting class. I think this might have been her first project. I also think that it is excellent. A great example of tole painting. I thought maybe I could talk her into painting some of my carvings. If you have looked closely at my painted carvings I am sure you can tell that I have not been successful.


Holee said...

He's cute! But since I have become interested in carving, I have to say I think I like them stained with a more natural look. I love looking at the wood and if I ever get my gloves, I don't think I'll paint my carvings. OH boy, listen to me..I meant to say.."if" I ever carve something I'll let it natural.

In case we are missing for the next 2 days, have a very Merry Christmas!

Canarella said...

Tom fab little santa man...got the cute little santas for the tree...you are to sweet you can expect some home made salsa coming your way i will send mild and what i call spicy for the faint of heart...God bless and merry christmas...lani...go visit my blog i think you will like and laugh