Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Carvings and Whittlins

It's always fun to look back through your photos of what you have done. I share these photos as an example of the types of carving and whittlin that I like to do. I really enjoy carving small stuff, as illustrated in this first photo. These carving are placed on the top of a penny, to show there size. As you can deduce, carving is easier than painting.
These two Gnomes are quite a bit larger. Both stand 6 inches tall. The Gnome on the right I call Napoleon Gnome. The one on the left is Marvin Gnome (from Marvin the Martian cartoon fame).

These carvings are examples of what can be carved from Cottonwood Bark. Cottonwood trees have a very thick bark. Cottonwood trees from out west in the mountains have bark that is up to 8 inches thick. This bark is very easy to carve, and finishes very nice with just wax. I say it's very easy to carve, but I should say it cuts very easily. It is very soft and unlike wood it has no grain. It's very flaky. I sometimes describe carving it as carving wheaties flakes stacked and glued together with a cheap glue.

1 comment:

diy said...

You make these little ones well. I know how difficult these are, well for me. Thanks