Thursday, January 8, 2009

While my quilting finger rests, I decided it was time to begin to make several Noah's Arks. Yesterday I cut out enough animals for two arks. These "cutouts" will now have to be carved. Today I began to make four arks. The arks that I am making are very similar to the one in the photograph. The photograph is of an ark and animals that I won in our carving club raffle. While I did make the ark, and carve the pigs and Mr and Mrs Noah, the other club members all carved the pairs of animals. I believe that there are 52 pairs of animals. My carving club is the COLUMBUS CHIPPERS, and this was an annual money making raffle.

The Noah's Arks and animals that I will make will be for some art festivals this spring and summer.


Holee said...

I love the skunks and racoons and the little dove perched on the edge of the ark!

Is that leather nailed to the roof? What happens if they don't fix the law? Can they be labeled "Not a Toy" to avoid any problems?

Unknown said...

Amazing! Those are going to be awesome!


free indeed said...

Such detailed work! You are so talented. What do these Noah's Arks sell for roughly?

Good question Holee about labeling and trying to skirt that dumb law. Hope it gets 'flushed out of the system'. I think American made standards are high and companies/individuals know to look out for toxic's the overseas 'China' groups we need to regulate.